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You searched for Career. Please see your results below:

5 reasons demand for MBAs in health management is growing

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past 12 months, it’s that healthcare workers, and the global need for effective leadership and health management, is more important than ever before.

Stats from the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) show that in…

Is a job your only option after graduation?

So, you’ve come to another fork in the road – you’ve graduated with a degree, but what next?

Entering the workforce is the natural next step for many graduates. But what should you do if things didn’t quite work out the way you planned after graduation? Perhaps you…

Why your ATAR shouldn’t dictate your career

A lot of anxiety and pressure surrounds high school students in Year 12, cultivated by the myth that your ATAR will be THE determining factor in your future success.

Firstly, it’s important to clarify that the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a rank, not a mark. It’s…

How does an online internship work?

And why you should do one!

With remote work and study in the spotlight like never before, companies are increasingly opening their virtual doors to online internships.

Studying online doesn’t mean having to miss out on this practical experience!

The Careers Central service at Kaplan Business…

5 Ways to secure an income during the pandemic

Guest contributor: Will James, National Careers Manager, Kaplan Business School.

Last updated: 18 March, 2021

There is no doubt that COVID-19 will continue to have an impact on the Australian economy.

Many of our students working as casual employees were unfortunately faced with losing their…