Student Stories
You searched for Student Stories. Please see your results below:
From internship to employment
Kimberly Anne Amatong, MBA (specialisation in Digital Management)
Over the course of our work life, many of us will change careers or industries. I am one of those people. What you will read in my story…
Lessons from the front desk: tips for hospitality success
Gilbert Gatdula, Guest Experience Agent, QT HotelsMBA (specialisation in Tourism & Hospitality Leadership)
Where it all started
Where it all started
Since high school, I knew that I was going to be working in the hospitality industry. I was…
From Corporate to Cause - Using Information Technology to benefit those in need
Where it all started
Since I was a child, I have been exposed to technology. I remember playing video games in black and white and enrolling into computer courses throughout high school.…
Meet a product intelligence specialist
Juan Pablo Giraudo, Product Intelligence Specialist at Valiant Finance Graduated from KBS in 2020, MBA (specialisation in Digital Management)
Chathuranga Jayasekara, Master of IT (specialisation: Cyber Security)
Chathuranga Jayasekara (CJ)…