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Student Safety

Your safety is our top priority. This section provides essential information and resources to ensure you stay safe and secure during your time at KBS.


The Sonder app is a 24/7 multilingual safety and wellbeing service, provided to you free by KBS. You can use the app to connect with the Sonder Support Team via a phone call, live chat and talk about any issues such as safety, health issues, medical needs, mental health issues, worries or concerns. Download Sonder and contact the support team if you find yourself in a difficult situation.

Sonder >


Keep this document of useful phone numbers handy for quick access to emergency contacts, health services, and other essential resources.

Useful Phone Numbers (PDF) >


Sexual assault, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct are NOT tolerated at Kaplan. KBS has developed a sexual assault and sexual harassment-only policy as part of its Wellbeing and Safety Framework, to ensure all aspects of sexual misconduct are addressed and followed up accordingly.

Click through to find more information about our policies and procedures or download our useful flyer.

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment >


A critical incident is a sudden event or situation which may cause student and/or staff major stress, fear or injury and may be regarded as outside the normal range of experience of the people affected. Visit our Forms and Policies page to view our policy related to critical incidents.

Forms and Policies >