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Hiring graduates from the classroom

There are many ways to find work. You could apply through job search websites, go to recruitment agencies, look at social media channels (e.g. LinkedIn), or attend networking events.

If you are currently studying, have you thought about the job opportunities that exist within the school you are attending? The Careers Service available at many providers is a good way to access potential jobs and internships, but what about speaking directly with your lecturer?

Many academic lecturers have industry experience or perhaps run their own businesses. So, the person you may need to impress is the one teaching you every week.

This is the case with Sushanta Das, Academic Lecturer at Kaplan Business School (KBS) and CEO and founder of tRetailLabs; a technology and analytics consulting company with clients from 135 countries. Instead of recruiting externally, he decided to hire students from his Data Analytics classes. He shares his story and advice with us.


Where did you work before teaching at KBS?

I have worked in airport retail for the past 10 years. My last role was with LVMH / DFS in Hong Kong.

What do you teach at KBS?

I teach the following subjects: Data Visualisation, Data-driven Design and Data Ethics and Security.

What do you like about teaching at KBS?

I am a believer in continuous learning – it doesn’t matter how many years I have been in the industry, there’s always something new to learn. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and industry experience with the next generation to help them get a better understanding of how the world works and how it’s constantly changing due to technology.

Tell us about your company, tRetailLabs.

TRetailLabs is a consulting company helping businesses with traveller and competitor intelligence to develop new ways of working and predict potential revenue. We focus on the tourism and retail industry as well as conduct our own research and release data reports. Our office is in Melbourne, Australia but our employees work from over the world such as Canada, Indonesia and India. We have clients from 135 countries with our biggest clients being in the U.S, UAE, Indonesia and Singapore. In my opinion, Dubai (in the UAE) is one of the most advanced cities in the world and are making leaps and bounds in data analytics and embracing artificial intelligence. Singapore and Israel are also hubs of innovation.

Why did you decide to become a lecturer at KBS?

When I was working for DFS in Hong Kong, a colleague introduced me to Anna Mihaylov who is the Academic Head of Data Analytics at KBS. She recommended KBS students to intern with us and invited me to be an Industry Speaker at a webinar. I later settled in Melbourne and started tRetailLabs and shortly after, Anna invited me to lecture at KBS. The KBS ecosystem is focused on education being more practical than theoretical which I enjoy. When I teach, I use examples from industry and run interactive workshops. There’s flexibility in each session – I can tailor the lesson plan according to my student’s needs. Students want to be relevant to today’s job market and they can relate and talk to me because I have walked their path before.

Why did you decide to hire KBS students instead of hiring externally?

What makes someone stand out from the rest is what they sacrifice to learn and grow. I observe how my students behave in my class, their work ethic and social interactions. The first student I hired, named Josif, started an academic internship at tRetailLabs. I was impressed with his creativity and work ethic and now he is our ICT Data Analyst full-time. He recommended two other students, Eva and James, to intern at my company. They too are good students with positive attitudes. The students at KBS are hungry to grow. They come from around the world and want to make a life here in Australia and it’s not easy. I respect that sacrifice so I try to help as much as possible. I don’t just teach them the curriculum; I go beyond the class and give them life lessons, help them with their job search and advise them on how to advance their career.

What skills do you look for in potential candidates?​​​​​​​

In my opinion, attitude is more important than skills. I want to see people go the extra mile, to not be afraid of trying new things. Skills can be taught by the employer, but attitude is the responsibility of the employee. My student, Eva, came into her role at tRetailLabs with little knowledge of Project Management but she was a quick learner, wanted to grow and persisted when faced with challenges. I hire people based on potential not just current capabilities.

“In my opinion, attitude is more important than skills. I want to see people go the extra mile, to not be afraid of trying new things......I hire people based on potential not just current capabilities.” 

What’s your advice on getting a job in Data Analytics?​​​​​​​

Like other industries, jobs in Data Analytics go through cycles. Don’t focus on the number of jobs available, focus on how you can provide beyond what the company expects.

You always need to be willing to learn and grow, equip yourself with industry knowledge and skills and be patient with yourself in adjusting to the Australian culture. Then you will be relevant in the job market. Attend networking events as they open up discussions and opportunities for jobs and careers.



Eva De Marco is one of the KBS graduates hired by Sushanta. She completed the KBS academic internship with the company and 3 months later secured a full-time contract.

What is your current role and responsibilities at tRetailLabs?

I am currently working as a Product Analyst. I am responsible for analysing needs, behaviour, market trends, and product performance data to use in strategic decision-making. Additionally, I collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and implement product enhancements, conduct user testing, and gather feedback to improve our offerings.

What you love about your role?

I love working at the intersection of data analysis and product development. I enjoy diving deep into customer insights and market trends to identify opportunities for innovation and improvement. I get to work with various teams across the organisation and the world to bring ideas to life and drive tangible impact.

What are the challenges in your role?

One of the challenges is navigating competing priorities and stakeholder expectations, but it also presents opportunities for growth and learning.

What advice would you give to students on getting a job?​​​​​​​

My advice for other students seeking job opportunities is to be proactive - especially during class. Be persistent and open to new experiences. Take advantage of networking opportunities, internships, and events. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions, as it's through these experiences that you'll learn, grow and make yourself noticeable. What helped and still helps me the most is pursuing a ‘Can-Do’ attitude, which is a soft skill in high demand.

Want to connect with Sushanta Das?

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