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Study Business

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How to get a master’s degree without a bachelor’s degree?

Did you know that you don’t need a bachelor’s degree to qualify for a master’s degree?

Looking at career prospects, postgraduate qualifications have been known to lead to better employment rates and higher salaries.…

4 ways to manage stress while studying online

Online learning has the great advantage of giving students the flexibility to choose when, where and how they study, but it can also present some unique challenges.

If you’re new to online study, it’s totally normal to experience feelings of anxiety or isolation. Your organisation or school may…


The Zoom platform has become the new normal when it comes to ‘attending class’.

At Kaplan Business School our learning philosophy focuses on active participation and engagement in class. Collaborating with your lecturer and peers, and debating and questioning content, all helps to enhance…

Studying online: 5 steps to success

For anyone new to studying online, it can take a little time to adjust to. With no lectures or classes to physically attend, a lot more depends on your ability to mentally prioritise and take charge of your study.

As a starting point, it can help to gain some insights from those who have already mastered…

Business school vs university

How to choose your business education

Last updated: 17 Nov 2023

Navigating the world of business education can be confusing when you are trying to choose the right course. If you’re considering studying business, you might be asking yourself: what are the differences between a…