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Enrolments and timetables - FAQ

Q: When do subject enrolments open/close?

A: Subject enrolment dates can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Q: How many subjects do I have to choose each trimester?

A: This will vary depending on the course you’re enrolled into, the number of subjects you have taken so far and the current trimester. For more information, please check the Study Loads for International Students, or contact the Student Experience Team.

Q: I want to change my subject/class selection, how can I do that?

A: Subject enrolment and timetable changes are only allowed in the first week of trimester, unless otherwise specified. If you are within the approved timeframe, you will be able to easily change your enrolment and/or timetable on Kaplink.

To do so, log on to Kaplink and click on courses and subjects. Once there, click on compete enrolment. If, upon returning to the Subjects & Timetable page the selection has changed, you have successfully changed your selection.

If the preferred class/subject is full, we recommend students to monitor the Kaplink subject as a place may become available. Should you experience any issues, please contact the Student Experience Team.

Q: When are the trimester and holiday dates?

A: Trimester start and end dates, public holidays and other important dates can be found in the Academic Calendar.

Q: What do I do if all the classes are full, and I don't have a class to select?

A: We recommend students enrol as early as possible to avoid the classes they need to do being full. If you are unable to fulfil the study load requirements due to classes being full, please contact the Student Experience Team.