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The top 5 In-Demand jobs in Business Analytics (Australia 2024)

Data is the new currency of the century.  

With the fast adoption of digital technology, businesses and governments now have access to vast amounts of data. By 2025, more than 150 zettabytes of big data will need analysis and the annual revenue of the global big data analytics market is predicted to reach $68.09 billion and the number of jobs in Business Analytics will continue to rise.  

Business analysts are in high demand as they can deliver insights from big data for companies to use in strategic decision-making. They can interpret raw data, identify patterns and make predictions and recommendations to help businesses improve their performance, streamline operations and reduce waste. Seek predicts a 27.7% growth in employment opportunities for data analysts in Australia over the next five years. 

In business analytics, you will have opportunities to work in different industries, grow and advance in your career, and make a bigger impact on business decisions. When you have data to support your arguments, you have influence. 

Data analytics is the future, and the future is NOW! Every mouse click, keyboard button press, swipe or tap is used to shape business decisions. Everything is about data these days. Data is information, and information is power.” 

~ Radi, data analyst at CENTOGENE 

As data collection, management and analysis becomes more complex and technology advances, many employers are in search of people with data analytics and information technology (IT) skills.   

Here are the top 5 In-Demand jobs in business analytics in Australia. 

1. Business analyst 

The role 

A business analyst serves as a bridge between business stakeholders and technology teams, analysing historical data to forecast trends and providing actionable insights that drive business strategies. It is a dynamic role that blends hard skills in data and technology with soft skills in problem-solving and communication. 

You will be responsible for managing change and ensuring that new processes are smoothly integrated into the business. A Business Analyst often works in industries such as finance, healthcare, or retail, where understanding regulatory requirements and compliance is crucial.  

The main responsibilities 

  • Researching, analysing and assessing technical requirements 

  • Analysing datasets to identify trends and process gaps 

  • Improving data quality and reporting using Business Intelligence (BI) tools 

  • Creating customised reports and dashboards for operational teams 

  • Identifying opportunities and supporting strategic planning 

The skills you need ​​​​​​​

  • A strategic mindset (i.e. see things from the company’s perspective) 

  • Strong communication skills to explain data strategies to non-technical stakeholders 

  • Strong analytical skills  

  • Collaborative problem-solving 

  • Project management skills 

  • Responsive to change 

Sources: *Seek, ^Glassdoor

2. Business Systems Analyst 

The role 

A Business Systems analyst is an information technology (IT) specialist who evaluates existing IT systems, gathers business requirements, and designs solutions that enhance functionality and efficiency across the company. You will need to understand and work with legacy systems, ensuring a smooth transition to new technologies with minimal disruptions. You will have to provide training and support to users on new systems while conducting testing and quality assurance before implementation.  

The main responsibilities 

  • Gathering and documenting business requirements for IT projects 

  • Developing software to improve business functionality 

  • Maintaining and upgrading existing systems 

  • Developing a budget, goals and providing training for new system implementation 

The skills you need ​​​​​​​

  • Understanding of IT and software development processes 

  • Business acumen to align technology solutions with business strategies 

  • Understanding of computer networking and programming languages   

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills 

  • Attention to detail  

  • Strong communication skills 

Sources: *Seek, ^Glassdoor

3. Data Analyst 

The role 

A Data Analyst’s role involves gathering, cleaning, modelling, and interpreting data to reveal business insights. You will look for patterns to predict what may happen and make suggestions for improvement. The type of data you will work with depends on the industry you are in. Examples are customer data in retail, financial data in banking, or operational data in logistics.  

The work of Data Analysts help organisations identify new markets, find new trends and make predictions. While developing and refining predictive models, you need to ensure that data governance practices and data privacy regulations are followed.  

The main responsibilities 

  • Collaborating with other departments to prioritise information needs 

  • Finding new ways to source and process data 

  • Creating and managing databases, ensuring data quality and accuracy 

  • Analysing and interpreting data to find trends, patterns and list improvements 

  • Reporting results back to the business 

The skills you need ​​​​​​​

  • Solid understanding of data mining techniques, machine learning and statistics 

  • Strong critical thinking and analytical skills 

  • Proficiency in data analytics tools such as SQL, R and Python  

  • Strong attention to detail 

  • Ability to communicate complex information in a way that people can understand 

Sources: *Seek, ^Hays

4. Business Intelligence Analyst 

The role 

A Business Intelligence Analyst translates historical data into usable formats that help the business understand past trends and make informed decisions. You will use BI tools such as Tableau or Power BI to integrate data from various sources and create comprehensive reports and dashboards. You will play a key role in strategic decision-making by providing actionable insights through advanced data visualisations that inform high-level business strategies. 

The main responsibilities 

  • Collecting and analysing data to identify trends to support business growth 

  • Creating procedures for the collection and analysis of data 

  • Conducting data quality checks to ensure data accuracy and integrity 

  • Developing new data analysis methods 

  • Translating raw data into reports and visualisations to communicate findings to key stakeholders 

The skills you need ​​​​​​​

  • Understanding of business operations 

  • Skills in data extraction and data visualisation tools such as Tableau or Power BI 

  • Fluent in SQL or other database querying languages 

  • Analytical skills and reasoning  

  • Problem-solving and communication skills 

Sources: *Seek, ^Glassdoor

5. Financial Analyst 

The role 

As a Financial Analyst, you will conduct a broad range of financial analyses, including ROI (return on investment) assessments, cash flow analysis, and financial forecasting, using tools like Excel and specialised financial software. You will also be responsible for managing financial risk and ensuring compliance with industry regulations, providing insights that guide the company’s financial strategy.  

Financial analysts are highly valued and are often employed by large corporations such as investment banks, insurance companies, mutual funds and venture capital firms. 

The main responsibilities 

  • Analysing financial statements and reports to assess opportunities 

  • Financial modelling to help evaluate profitable options 

  • Translating financial data into reports to guide strategy 

  • Monitoring industry-specific financial developments (e.g. economic and business trends) 

The skills you need  ​​​​​​​

  • In-depth knowledge of financial principles and markets 

  • Proficiency in financial analysis tools (e.g. Excel) 

  • Strategic thinking 

  • Strong attention to detail 

  • Strong analytical / maths skills 

  • Effective communication and presentation abilities 

Sources: *Seek, ^Hays

Advance your career in Business Analytics with our new Master of Business Analytics (Information Technology) degree and learn the top reasons to study Business in Australia.   

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